
scarlett johansson中文是什么意思

  • 嘉莉祖汉臣
  • 嘉绿蒂-裘哈森
  • 史嘉蕾・乔韩森
  • 史嘉蕾娇韩森
  • 史嘉蕾森
  • 斯嘉丽・约翰松
  • 斯佳丽・约翰森
  • 约翰逊



  • 例句与用法
  • Blackwell urged the women on his list to emulate the " effortless beauty and memorable style " of reese witherspoon , nicole kidman , kate moss , scarlett johansson , natalie portman and dionne warwick
    布莱克韦尔“ 2005年最差着装女星榜“前10名分别是: 1布兰妮斯皮尔斯
  • Do : cover your lids or line your eyes with a sheer pastel for a " clean , fresh look " ( worn by scarlett johansson and nia long ) , says gage
  • Fyi : cruz and bardem costar in the top secret woody allen spanish project , out 2008 . it ' s the film that also stars scarlett johansson and patricia clarkson
  • Also up for grabs from the golden globes are joaquin phoenix ' s giorgio armani tuxedo , scarlett johansson ' s red jimmy choos , sandra oh ' s christian louboutin shoes and hugh laurie ' s taryn rose footwear
  • Former spice girl victoria came 49th in the list while big - spending coleen managed 92nd place . modern - day hollywood stars in the top 10 were angelina jolie , catherine zeta jones , halle berry and scarlett johansson
  • Also appearing out of competition is woody allen , whose " match point " is set not in the veteran " s favored manhattan but in london , and stars scarlett johansson
    同样在戛纳亮相而不参加角逐的还有伍迪?艾伦执导的影片《最后一分》 。这部由斯佳赖特?约翰逊主演的电影以伦敦为背景,而不是退伍老兵喜欢的曼哈顿。
  • Scarlett johansson ' s trip to california theme park disneyland ended in disaster in august , when her mercedes hit another car as she swerved to get away from pursuing photographers and hit another vehicle
    八月下旬,史丽嘉祖安逊与两名友人在前往加州迪士尼乐园途中,为挣脱狗仔队,在扭? ?时撞向其前面的一辆汽车。
  • Pitt , 43 , took second place among the most published faces in celebrity magazines . actresses scarlett johansson , 22 , angelina jolie , 32 , and 2006 oscar - winner reese witherspoon , 31 , were third , fourth and fifth , respectively
    43岁的皮特成为第二大人气最旺的封面人物, 22岁的女星斯嘉丽?约翰逊、 32岁的安吉丽娜?茱丽、 2006年奥斯卡奖得主、 31岁的瑞茜?威瑟斯彭分别位居第三、第四和第五位。
  • 推荐英语阅读
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